
Color is designed to help communicate our CVS Health brands and unify experiences across all digital products.


Colors provided in this palette have been carefully chosen to ensure we meet WCAG requirements for optimal usability and minimum contrast ratio requirements for text and interactive elements.

Our color palette extends the base colors in our brand to ensure enough contrast can be met. When combining palette colors together, check the contrast ratios of the color combinations utilizing these accessibility approved tools.

(b) = contrast ratio on black (w) = contrast ratio on white

Primary Violet
Scale Hex Code Contrast Ratio
0 #fbf2ff 19.24:1 (b)
10 #f4d9ff 16.21:1 (b)
20 #e3aafa 11.39:1 (b)
30 #cb87e8 8.17:1 (b)
40 #b569d6 5.95:1 (b)
50 #a05cbd 4.76:1 (b)
Base60 #7d3f98 6.9:1 (w)
70 #64327a 9.21:1 (w)
80 #4d295e 11.7:1 (w)
90 #392042 14.39:1 (w)
100 #221726 17.23:1 (w)
Secondary Teal
Scale Hex Code Contrast Ratio
0 #f2ffff 20.5:1 (b)
10 #c2fdff 18.8:1 (b)
20 #7cdbde 13.0:1 (b)
30 #48c3c7 9.9:1 (b)
40 #21b0b5 7.9:1 (b)
50 #0c979c 5.9:1 (b)
Base60 #007d82 4.9:1 (w)
70 #026569 6.8:1 (w)
80 #054d4f 9.6:1 (w)
90 #093233 13.9:1 (w)
100 #0c2526 16.1:1 (w)
Grayscale Gray
Scale Hex Code Contrast Ratio
0 #f5f5f5 19.3:1 (b)
10 #dedede 15.6:1 (b)
20 #cccccc 13.1:1 (b)
30 #b8b8b8 10.6:1 (b)
40 #a3a3a3 8.3:1 (b)
50 #8f8f8f 6.5:1 (b)
Base60 #737373 4.7:1 (w)
70 #575757 7.2:1 (w)
80 #474747 9.3:1 (w)
90 #333333 12.6:1 (w)
100 #262626 15.1:1 (w)
Primary Red
Scale Hex Code Contrast Ratio
0 #fff2f2 19.2:1 (b)
10 #ffd9d9 16.2:1 (b)
20 #ffb3b3 12.4:1 (b)
30 #ff8c8c 9.4:1 (b)
40 #fa5757 6.6:1 (b)
50 #eb0000 4.6:1 (w)
Base60 #cc0000 5.9:1 (w)
70 #a50000 8.1:1 (w)
80 #730b0b 11.8:1 (w)
90 #4d0f0f 15.1:1 (w)
100 #260b0b 18.5:1 (w)
Grayscale Gray
Scale Hex Code Contrast Ratio
0 #f5f5f5 19.3:1 (b)
10 #dedede 15.6:1 (b)
20 #cccccc 13.1:1 (b)
30 #b8b8b8 10.6:1 (b)
40 #a3a3a3 8.3:1 (b)
50 #8f8f8f 6.5:1 (b)
Base60 #737373 4.7:1 (w)
70 #575757 7.2:1 (w)
80 #474747 9.3:1 (w)
90 #333333 12.6:1 (w)
100 #262626 15.1:1 (w)



Primary color is used distinguish CVS brand across digital products and emphasize important actions.



Primary 60 hex value Primary 60 hex value
Banner using primary red as background Banner using primary red as background
Pictogram using primary red Pictogram using primary red
Icon using primary violet Icon using primary violet
Link and button using primary violet Link and button using primary violet
Buttons and Links


info icon

Coming soon

Secondary color is used as an augmentation to primary color. Always use the base color unless contrast requirements can not be met.


Secondary 60 hex value Secondary 60 hex value


Gray is the default, neutral color of our UI and represents the basis of most atomic components. Examples include text, form elements, backgrounds, page dividers.


Gray 60 hex value Gray 60 hex value
Text using grayscale Text using grayscale
Checkboxes using grayscale Checkboxes using grayscale
Form elements
Page divider using grayscale Page divider using grayscale
Page dividers


Following these general guidelines for color will ensure meaning and consistency across all digital products.

Using Color Ramps

Color ramps have been carefully chosen for accessibility and ensure consistency across all digital products.

Always use color provided in the UI Kit to ensure consistency
Avoid creating your own color. This will lead to inconsistency in the UI


Icons with messaging help users understand the level of importance
Avoid using color as the only way to indicate meaning


All colors should be opaque unless transparency is needed for specific elements (e.g. overlays and drop shadows).

Always use transparency for it’s intended purpose
Never use transparency to simulate a lighter or darker color
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