
A breakdown of Anatomy's Android components.

Status definitions
Stable, accessible, and available
Currently being migrated
Under consideration
Being considered for migration
No longer supported
Currently has no committed work


The fundamental pieces of the brand we use to make our components.
Name Status
Colors Under consideration
Iconography & pictograms In-progress
Illustrations Unplanned
Motion Unplanned
Spacing Unplanned
Typography Unplanned

Legacy components

Miscellaneous components from pre-existing component libraries. Over time, Anatomy will be consuming, refactoring, and re-releasing some of these.
Name Status
Avatars Unplanned
Bars Unplanned
Buttons Unplanned
Card In-progress
Chip Unplanned
Dialogs Unplanned
Divider Unplanned
Dropdown menu Under consideration
Lists Unplanned
Progress indicators Unplanned
Selection controls Unplanned
Snackbar Unplanned
Stepper Unplanned
Tabs Unplanned
Text fields Under consideration
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